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Liquid Painting
Albers Finishing Solutions offers a variety of paint and primer options for your parts. Your parts will have their own recipe as they are processed on our modern, automated paint system. Load bars of parts move asynchronously through the processes ensuring your parts are processed for your specifications, providing quality and consistency. We also have a batch paint booth available for large items which cannot fit in the automated line.
Paint SystemAlbers Finishing & Solutions uses a state-of-the-art automated liquid finishing system. It is a modular system featuring a friction-driven overhead conveyor (an advanced alternative to power and free). Smart controls allow individual sections to move independently of other sections in both speed and direction (including reverse) throughout the system.
Paint is applied with a robot which means reliable consistency, quality and more throughput than manual painting.
Processing a large volume of parts is no problem for our paint system.
Painting Process
Our liquid finishing paint system is chainless, allowing the conveyor to move easily in forward or reverse, and includes a 3-stage wash, with independently programmed sections, paint robots, dry-off oven and a dual lane cure oven, increasing our efficiency and quality of finished parts for our customers.
Paint Quality
Paint quality is assured in a number of ways at Albers Finishing & Solutions. Automated processes with stored recipes ensure consistency every time your parts are placed on our paint line. Our investment in the latest paint technology results in paint quality you can count on.
Paint System Features Assure Quality
Automated washer with controls monitoring chemistry and temperature clean parts consistently
Dry-off oven dries parts before paint is applied
Graco 2KS ProMix Proportioner offers the highest degree of ratio assurance for paint and catalyst mixing
Robot applies paint consistently, never tires and is never absent from work
Dual lane cure oven means your parts may be cured for a longer time or shorter than other parts that are being processed
Paint is completely cured before packaging and shipping